Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Mist Everywhere (Nate Pritts)

I hate the new layout of this website, which I used to use all the time for this blog. However, after Googling "poem" tonight, it and this poem were the first to come up (and you, perhaps, thought I used more advanced means to find the quotidian poem, ha).

It's a lovely poem. The thing does seem shrouded in mist, per the title.  But then as you progress, the mist clears and then as the boat does from the cut tree, truths emerge. In life, you move about aimlessly, seemingly in a mist. It's hard, it's confusing, it's lonely. But the poem advises, turn to your art, turn to that which only you can see and do and then "nothing will block [your] way".

Favorite line: "But I pray wrong, selfishly"

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