Sunday, January 24, 2010


This weekend, I got a dog! I'm really excited about that, so I thought that doggy thoughts should invade this blog as well. While my dog is of the utmost quality, while trying to connect my puppy and poetry, my thoughts immediately went to doggerel.

Doggerel is a type of poetry marked by badness. "Doggerel is a derogatory term for verse considered of little literary value." Limericks are, for the most part, doggerel. As are, I feel some satisfaction in noting, inexpert attempts at rhyming.

Poor pups, that they are named for terrible writing by amateur poets. I'll be looking for a good poem about puppies or dogs. Anyone have any suggestions?


  1. You've talked about a great animal poem: Adam's Task by John Hollander. Vicki Hearne, an animal trainer, poet and philosopher, has written some great poetry about dogs and horses.

  2. Thank you for your comment! I don't know Vicki Hearne, but I love discovering new poets. Thanks for the rec!


What do you think of today's poem?