Friday, April 12, 2013

Freedom in Ohio (Jennifer Chang)

I don't know how I feel about today's poem by Jennifer Chang. When I read it, I thought it was mostly lame - it seemed written by someone very young. But then the ending (the seriousness, the reflection) got me and the author's note below that? Love her thoughts and her reasoning in prose.

I think part of me is reacting to the illogical connections in the beginning. They put me on edge - "I want a future / making hammocks / out of figs and accidents." That lines makes me roll my eyes something tremendous. Ugh.

But I like the ending - how it sums up her path in life (which makes sense of the birthday reference in the beginning) from "dwelling" - just existing to "fled" - moving on with things (perhaps in non-logical ways, [re: many of the images?]).

Favorite line: "a future quieter / than snow"
a future quieter
than snow.A
I want a future
making hammocks
out of figs and accidents. - See more at:

I abided by
dwelling, thought nothing
of now. And now?
I’m leopard and crane,
all’s fled. - See more at:

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