Sunday, April 7, 2013

On this Very Street in Belgrade (Charles Simic)

Charles Simic's 'On this Very Street in Belgrade' is a short tight poem about N telling 'you' that this very spot was the location for so many epochs in 'your' life. From infancy to mentally unbalanced, homeless adulthood - sometimes your whole life can be contained in one location, one city block. Well, okay, perhaps not fully, but the sentiment is the same - you always seem to begin and end in the same location - and perhaps, in life, nothing else is worth telling - a life that can be summed up in nine lines.

Guh, I don't mean to be so harsh. I mean, it's rather neat that 'your' life can be stripped down to such a tight block of text and yet still give details about 'your' entire life - its beginnings and endings.

Favorite line: "Where you now stood years later / Talking to a homeless dog"
Where you now stood years later
Talking to a homeless dog, - See more at:

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