Thursday, August 27, 2009

Watermelons (Charles Simic)

The thing about this blog is that it must be updated every day. (What was I thinking? Ah well. A promise is a promise. Even one made to myself.)

So I haven't known about Charles Simic for long, but since I really enjoyed his last poem I read and talked about I thought I would turn to him once again. And I managed to find his short(est?) one. Watermelons is only 15 words long. Which is sort of funny since watermelons are the giants of the fruit world.

This is a metaphor-ful poem. I thought it was apt to compare a watermelon to a smile. That is how the rind appears after the fruit has been eaten. Though, it does seem like he's calling the +fruit a smile. I don't really see that, but the image and connection are still there for me. I also thought it was spot-on to compare a watermelon to Buddha. Rounded bellies.

Don't get the larger point, but I don't think a poem always needs one or even has one. Perhaps the simplicity in Buddhism is reflected by this 15-word verse.

Favorite line: "Green Buddhas/On the fruit stand."

1 comment:

  1. Sounds almost haiku-like. Just read where Ted Kennedy's last acts were eating ice cream, and watching 24. Interesting that Charles Simic's thoughts turned to watermelon toward the end.


What do you think of today's poem?