Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Quotidian Poem (Patricia Fargnoli)

I figured this poem would be good for my quotidian task. I don't know much (anything) about the poet, so I'm not sure what war she is referencing. It doesn't matter for the poem, I'm just mildly curious, is all.

"I threw in onions, garlic,
parsley, cumin,
a couple of tomatoes--
whatever made sense.
Enough for an army."

The army's meal is full of sense. I'm thinking that N doesn't think the army, therefore the war, has any sense. Thus N makes them a meal chock full of it. It's all in the presentation. It's pretty ridiculous to make a trip to the action center and be a tourist at the onset of war, which exactly what N does and is.

Favorite line: "When I heard the bombing/had begun I drove down/to Keene and bought/a 3x magnifying glass,/a sketch book/and drawing pencils. "

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