Monday, September 14, 2009

Acquainted with the Night (Robert Frost)

I love this poem by Robert Frost because of how it feels. It moves slowly with most lines being full, complete sentences. That slow gentleness is descriptive of how night itself feels. The wind drops. The day is done. Sleep is eminent.

Also, looking at the Wikipedia page where the poem is posted in its entirety, I learned that this poem is written in a particular form. From just reading I could tell that it was in iambs and that there was a rhyme pattern. But not only that, he wrote "Acquainted with the Night" in terza rima. Terza rima requires iambic pentameter and the rhyme scheme aba bcb cdc dad aa. It's very difficult and so I am in awe now that I have learned he wrote a poem I love for its content and feel in one of the most difficult forms there is. Wow.

Favorite line: "I have passed by the watchman on his beat/and dropped my eyes, unwilling to explain."

Aside: I will be attending an orientation for my job for the rest of this week, so I don't believe I will be able to post again until Saturday. See you later!

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