Saturday, September 5, 2009

Pelican (Anonymous)

I made up the title of this poem for the title of the post. I don't know what it is really. I don't know the author. I know what sort of poem it is though. (Clap on the back) It's a limerick. And since I know nothing about it I cannot find it online to share. So, I will copy it here. Hopefully, Mr. (Ms?) Anonymous will never find out and sue me. Here we go:

"A wonderful bird is the pelican.
His mouth can hold more than his belican.
He can take in his beak
Enough food for a week.
I'm darned if I know how the helican."

Okay, disclosure: I picked this ditty because I have had a long, long day and am extremely tired and close to crashing. So, to talk. Um, it's funny. I love how the poet made up two words and they totally don't sound false or cheap in the poem. They are simply funny.

Yep, that about does it. I'm off to bed now. Tomorrow, I am going on vacation for two days. I don't know what my internet situation will be like, but let's assume the worst and say I will write again on Tuesday. Ciao.

Favorite line: "His mouth can hold more than his belican."

1 comment:

  1. The limerick is a form as much as a sonnet. Pretty demanding too. Might be interesting to write a limerick on a serious subject. I wonder what the connection is with the Irish city of Limerick?


What do you think of today's poem?