Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Kissinger at the Louvre (Three Drafts) (Daisy Fried)

Okay, so I just spent minutes cracking up at this poet's name. I know, very mature. Her poem, however, is fairly serious, though it is fun that she includes three versions of it in this one poem.

This poem takes a widening view of Harry Kissinger getting into a car. It's neat because as the scope of the poem widens, the poems themselves narrow.

I bet this really was three versions of the same poem. Each one trying to better get at the root (the importance/the non-importance) of the scene. I love that she chose to include all three into one poem. It's a view on the writing process/the act of creation.

Favorite line: "Bodyguard bends Kissinger / gently in, portly little Kissinger, gloves his head—"

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