Tuesday, October 13, 2009

First winter rain (Matsuo Basho)

I am not in a peaceful, contemplative mood tonight. Poetry is not high on my list of things to do, but readtalkpoem I must. It's raining like woah here, so I searched for a poem about the rain. I was hoping for one that expressed how awful it can be as I have experienced it tonight. I found this poem by famous Japanese poet Basho.

And yep, this poem tells it like it is. Rain can suck sometimes and everyone, even the monkey, looks miserable and in need of protection. I like neat little truths like these.

The poem is not a quite a haiku, though I had at first thought it might be one. Instead, its syllable count is 4,5,6. And that's kind of neat. You do take small steps when it's wet outside.

Favorite line: "even the monkey/seems to want a raincoat."

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