Tuesday, October 27, 2009

The Raven (Edgar Allen Poe)

It's a Halloween poem and post. So cute! How to be Edgar Allen Poe.

And for the poem. Uh, The Raven. It's very, very famous. I mean, there was even a Simpson's episode based on the poem. When the Simpson's covers you you know you're a part of pop culture.

Long lines. Rhyme. That dodding rhythm. It's creepers, for sure. It makes me anxious just to read it. Definitely apt for Halloween.

And this has been a long day full of challenges, so I think that will be it in terms of "talk" for this poem. See you tomorrow!

Favorite line: "'Tis some visitor," I muttered, "tapping at my chamber door--
Only this and nothing more."

1 comment:

  1. I was once in a fastest reading of "The Raven" contest. The rhythms lend themselves to speed. Ever read "The Philosophy of Composition"? It is Poe explaining how he thinks he wrote the poem. He sounds so logical and orderly, but there are leaps. For example, he says he wants to get across one feeling, the most sublime feeling of all. And what is that? Melancholy. I'm not that logically follows. Nonetheless, what is the theme of "The Raven". Not an idea, but a feeling.


What do you think of today's poem?